Use a standard paragraph format, don't use multi-columns |
Don't have lines, graphics, italics, or bullets |
Don't use unusal formats such as small font sizes, graphics, newsletter layouts, etc. |
Don't use paper that is too dark or print that is too light |
Use a single font size, 12-14 points is best |
Use sans serif family fonts such as Ariel or Helvetica |
Laser-printed quality is best for hard copy |
Have your name at the top |
Have your contact information on separate lines. Have separate lines for your name, address, city-state-zip code, phone, fax, & email address |
Place your name at the top of subsequent pages |
Distinguish section headings by using capitals letters |
Use more than one page, if necessary |
Don't use headers or footers |
Use an outline format for your job duties, without using bullets |
Remember.... you want your resume to be as clean and readable as possible. Make sure that your resume meets todays' scannable standards. |
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